A Writer's Journey

May 24, 2024

Before the Internet

Filed under: Uncategorized,off topic — mackenziew @ 12:00 pm
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Daily writing prompt
Do you remember life before the internet?

Yes, I do.

I was probably about eight or nine when we connected to the internet so I had some time without it. Though I will note that I’ve pretty much always had access to a computer because my dad worked with them. I probably got started on Windows 3.

So what did I do on the computer without internet? Well, I played the games – solitaire and minesweeper as well as pipe dream, where you had to connect pipes to prevent a spill. I also used to doodle in Paint. My favorite was to zoom in until it was just pixels and essentially create designs in a childish version of Pointilism. I also had a program that allowed me to write stories and illustrate them as well. The program would even read them to me.

But I didn’t spend all my free time on the computer. I still played with my Barbies and other toys, coming up with elaborate stories. I would watch TV, dance around, play games, and so much more. Growing up in the 90s, I have plenty of memories playing outside in the warmer weather. Riding my bike around the neighborhood or roller skating down the block or playing with my neighbors. It was all a lot of fun.

Even when we got the internet, I remember how slow it was. It took forever for pages to load. I would be able to read or go off to do something else while waiting for the page to load. Especially if I wanted to play games online. Those always took the longest.

I can tell that really informed how I still use the computer and the internet, even though it no longer takes forever for a page to load.

But, yes, I do remember life before the internet.

And sometimes, I miss it. Though it’s probably more the carefree days of my childhood that I miss more than anything.

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