A Writer's Journey

January 9, 2012

The Amazon Kindle Fire

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Way back in 2008, my dad talked to me about my birthday present and my graduation present. He asked if it was okay if my parents gave me a combination gift. I had no objection. One of his coworkers had gotten a device my dad thought I would like—the Amazon Kindle. He explained it was an electronic book reader and I was intrigued. I did some research and decided that, yes, I would like this gift.

I loved my Kindle. While I would still have to buy an actual book here or there, I liked having my books on my Kindle. I didn’t have to worry about losing a bookmark—Kindle kept my spot for me! I could download a book while running for a plane (I actually did so once). I got the New York Times every day. I had internet capabilities as well. I operated off the same radio signals as cell phones. So I always had access, except on planes. But the Kindle is an approved device (with the radio turned off), so I could still read while flying.


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